Selon le modèle VAKOG utilisé en PNL, nos expériences sont représentées dans notre psyché en termes sensoriels (visuels, auditifs, kinesthésiques, olfactifs et gustatifs) [1].
Cette approche postule que les individus ont des préférences sensorielles dans leur façon de percevoir et de communiquer avec le monde, et que comprendre ces préférences peut améliorer la communication et l’empathie [2][3].
Le modèle VAKOG est utilisé pour identifier les préférences sensorielles d’une personne et pour adapter la communication en conséquence [4].
[1] « Representational systems (also known [by whom?] as sensory modalities [citation needed] and abbreviated to VAKOG is a postulated model from neuro-linguistic programming a pseudoscientific collection of models and methods regarding how the human mind processes and stores information.The central idea of this model is that experience is represented in the mind in sensorial terms, i.e. in terms of … »
[2] « VAKOG. Dive into the sensory world of your interlocutors to gain deeper understanding and to be understood. This sensual awareness opens up unpunished levels of communication for you. We experience the world through our sensory organs. External stimuli, e.g. a ray of sunshine or a friends voice, are transmitted to our brain via our nervous … »
[3] « What is the VAKOG of NLP? People communicate using different styles because they experience the world differently through various senses, and in neuro-linguistic programming, researchers have identified the representational systems commonly and collectively known as the VAKOG system. V — Visual. A — Auditory. »
[4] « Research on VAKOG. In an experiment outlined below, from Dissertation Abstracts International, author William Brockman, 1980, (using counselors to determine the experiment), some counselors were given the brief to match representational systems (VAKOG) and the other counselors took a more generic, human relations approach to empathy. »