En programmation neurolinguistique (PNL), le terme uptime fait référence à un état de conscience où l’attention est tournée vers l’extérieur, consciente et attentive aux stimuli externes [3][4].
En PNL, il existe une différence entre les états d’uptime et de downtime. Lorsque l’attention est tournée vers l’intérieur, vers le monde de la pensée ou des émotions, l’état de conscience est appelé downtime [1].
L’uptime est considéré comme un état important pour obtenir des résultats en PNL, car il permet de maintenir une conscience élevée de l’environnement et de maximiser la capacité de traitement de l’information [2].
[1] « Defining Uptime and Downtime. In the field of NLP we refer to these two categories of states as Uptime vs. Downtime. Downtime states in the field of NLP are states where our attention is focused inwardly, shifting our awareness from the outside world of the senses to our inner world of the mind. »
URL: https://perceptionacademy.medium.com/the-2-states-of-consciousness-you-flip-between-all-day-uptime-vs-d94f7ab21c1
[2] « Set an uptime anchor. Remember, uptime is when you are paying attention to what is going on around you – so this state is essential to getting results in NLP. Go into full attention and set your uptime anchor for each sensory channel separately. Then engage with all the channels simultaneously and set your anchor again. »
URL: https://nlppod.com/nlp-practice-anchoring/
[3] « Uptime (and downtime) – NLP definition Uptime is where your awareness is outside, aware and not inside. Downtime occurs whenever we go inside. When we go internal for a bit of information or when we get in touch with feelings. Improve your ability to stay in uptime: Focus on the here and now Be in the learning state Be close to and observe nature »
URL: https://excellenceassured.com/nlp-training/nlp-resources/uptime-and-downtime
[4] « Downtime (and Uptime) – NLP Downtime occurs whenever we go inside and think. When we go internal for a bit of information or when we get in touch with feelings. This is when our attention to the 7±2 chunks of information that is our limit of conscious attention is inside. Uptime is where your awareness is outside, aware and not inside. »
URL: https://excellenceassured.com/nlp-training/nlp-resources/downtime-and-uptime