L’oppression est un concept qui se réfère à un traitement injuste et contrôlant d’un groupe de personnes par un autre.
La psychologie de l’oppression étudie comment l’oppression influence les pensées, attitudes, émotions, comportements et la santé des personnes opprimées [1][3][4].
Elle examine également les différentes formes d’oppression, telles que l’oppression institutionnelle, systémique et interpersonnelle, ainsi que l’oppression internalisée, qui consiste en la répétition des messages oppressifs qui conduit les personnes opprimées à intérioriser ces idées et à les considérer comme vraies [4].
La psychologie de l’oppression souligne que l’oppression affecte non seulement les personnes opprimées, mais aussi les oppresseurs et la société dans son ensemble, car elle crée un environnement où la violence, l’injustice et l’inégalité sont tolérées et perpétuées [1].
[1] « Demonstrates how oppression influences peoples thoughts, attitudes, feelings, and behaviors, and how it influences peoples well-being and health. Explores why certain people are discriminated… »
URL: https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Psychology_of_Oppression.html?id=S1QkDwAAQBAJ
[2] « The Oxford English Dictionary defines oppression as the state of being subject to unjust treatment or control. However, this does not mean that those subjected to unjust treatment or control… »
URL: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/what-would-aristotle-do/201411/two-concepts-oppression
[3] « The phenomenon called psychology of oppression is the psychological effects of social oppression and the psychological requirements that sustain (are functional for) social oppression. In other words, social oppression includes a psychological complement in the victim that contributes to his subjugation. »
URL: https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-1-4614-5583-7_571
[4] « Explores how oppression is manifested on different levels (including interpersonal, institutional/systemic, and internalized) for a deeper understanding. Demonstrates how oppression influences peoples thoughts, attitudes, feelings, and behaviors, and how it influences peoples well-being and health. »
URL: https://www.springerpub.com/the-psychology-of-oppression-9780826178169.html