L’effet de gradient de but (ou Goal-gradient effet en anglais) est un phénomène qui a été mis en évidence par des études en psychologie et qui montre que plus une personne se rapproche de son but, plus elle est motivée pour l’atteindre.
Cet effet peut être utilisé pour stimuler l’engagement des clients dans des interactions physiques ou numériques avec une entreprise ou un produit.
Les techniques de conception de comportement, telles que la visualisation de la progression ou la gamification, peuvent être utilisées pour exploiter cet effet et accélérer les efforts des personnes dans l’accomplissement d’une tâche ou la réalisation d’un objectif. [1] [2] [3]
[1] « The Goal Gradient Effect is a useful tool to drive customer engagement in both physical and digital touchpoints. If youre looking for places to apply Goal Gradient, think about where customers tend to drop off in your experience. Learn how Uber uses the Goal Gradient Effect on the Choice Hacking podcast. Watch or listen below: Listen on »
URL: https://www.choicehacking.com/2020/06/21/goal-gradient-effect/
[2] « The goal-gradient effect is a powerful force that keeps us moving towards a goal or a reward. Visual progress, gamification, activity tracking, and even motion trackers, are behavioural design techniques that can help accelerate our efforts in whatever task we may perform. Before you move on, here are some final thoughts… Takeaways »
URL: https://uxdesign.cc/designing-for-motivation-with-the-goal-gradient-effect-c873cdf58beb
[3] « Goal-Gradient Effect Overview The tendency to approach a goal increases with proximity to the goal. Takeaways The closer users are to completing a task, the faster they work towards reaching it. Providing artificial progress towards a goal will help to ensure users are more likely to have the motivation to complete that task. »
URL: https://lawsofux.com/goal-gradient-effect/
[4] « The term goal gradient was introduced by Hull (1932, 1934), when he found in experiments in maze learning that the activity of rats grew greater as the goal was being approached.This finding became the object of research verification in humans in the late 1990s and thereafter (Heath, Larrick, Wu, 1999; Kivetz et al., 2006).Some authors have labeled the phenomenon with the term goal looms … »
URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12144-021-01487-z