Le consulting (ou conseil en français) est un domaine d’activité dans lequel des consultants spécialisés aident les clients à résoudre leurs problèmes urgents, leurs enjeux ou leurs projets les plus importants[2]. Les consultants travaillent dans un large éventail de rôles et d’industries et partagent leur capacité à analyser les informations et à identifier le meilleur chemin à suivre pour chaque entreprise[2]. Les services de consulting peuvent être axés sur la stratégie, l’analyse, la transformation des opérations commerciales, l’amélioration de la relation client, le marketing, les technologies de l’information, etc.[3][4]. Les cabinets de consulting en management comprennent des firmes de conseil en stratégie telles que Bain, BCG et McKinsey[4]. En bref, les consultants fournissent une expertise pour aider les entreprises à résoudre des problèmes spécifiques ou à améliorer leur performance globale.
[1] « Example Sentences Recent Examples on the Web In an email to AL.com, Jones said Alabama Writers Forum will have a consulting role with the initiative, including assisting with publicity and sharing contacts across the state to help promote events or connect delegates with partners. »
URL: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/consulting
[2] « What is consulting? Consultants are people who specialize in helping clients resolve their companys most urgent problems, issues, or projects. They work across a huge range of roles and industries and share their gift of analyzing information and identifying the best path for each company to take. »
URL: https://looka.com/blog/types-of-consulting/
[3] « Consulting Consulting Consulting services to transform your business Using the latest technologies and deep industry insights, we help businesses of every size prosper by creating impactful solutions tailored to your unique needs today and for the future. Contact us Submit RFP Strategy, Analytics MA Customer Marketing Core Business Operations »
URL: https://www.deloitte.com/global/en/services/consulting.html
[4] « Consulting is a term loosely applied to providing business advice on various topics including marketing, information technology, operational improvement, and corporate strategy. But what most people mean when they talk about consulting is management consulting. Management consulting firms include top strategy firms such as Bain, BCG, and McKinsey. »
URL: https://www.myconsultingoffer.org/what-is-consulting/